Moneon – My budget & expenses App Reviews

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It does the job I want.


The app is simplistic, well organized, and gets the job of organizing my finances done exceedingly well. Not confusing and generally cheap for how important the organization of my finances are to Me. Very nice app, would definitely recommend to those who lose track of things and want to keep their heads straight with where their money is going.

Two Suggestions to Improve App

I needed a checkbook app. I almost bought this app but, didnt. I really wanted to like it because aesthetically it is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, well laid out and simple to figure out. But I have TWO suggestions: 1. The app needs to show decimals when showing dollar amounts, rounding to the nearest dollar isnt enough, I want to know EXACTLY how much my balance is ex. 250.57 NOT 251 or 250. The second thing I suggest, is that the account balance be more prominent, I want to see my balance in more than one screen! Im using this as a checkbook, not just a budget. Otherwise this app would receive 5 stars from me! It would be perfect.

Exactly what I need

I love how theres no restrictions on categories & sub categories & the colors are so feminine.


Very nice


Very good


Ive been using it for a year and Im happy about it. One extra feature I would like to have is adding money.

My expirience

Use it for 3 month,really like. Very convenient and simple to use. Thank to it I see where i spend my money and where i can reduce the spending. Shows me exactly what i want and what i need to see. What is missing is income. Just the sum.It would be great to see how much you get and how much you spend. And see the difference which stays in your pocket!:)

Great but...

...there is one problem I noticed! When you create your account and dont choose currency it crashes.

like so much this app!

utility. helpful. needful

My expirience

Use it for 3 month,really like. Very convenient and simple to use. Thank to it I see where i spend my money and where i can reduce the spending. Shows me exactly what i want and what i need to see. What is missing is income. Just the sum.It would be great to see how much you get and how much you spend. And see the difference which stays in your pocket!:)

Great app!

Ive been searching since forever for app to budget. Very user friendly! I hope it stays this way!


Great apps! Huge amount of various capabilities and settings. Allows to control your expenses in easy way. ICloud synchronization is available, too.

Great stuff

This is the best app for money management. Ive tried every app that works outside US and this one is far ahead of the lot. I only wish the premium was a bit cheaper.

Не работает ссылка на Телеграмм

Хорошее и простое

Beautiful but missing some Basics

Envelope budgeting. Offline. Unlimited wallets. Missing TRANSFER option between “wallets” aka Accounts. Also missing the ability to VIEW ALL WALLET BALANCES at the same time. The interface doesn’t make it too bad to tap between wallets to view the balance, but its odd that its not an option already. 🙋🏽‍♀️QUESTION?? Do you have a Savings Goal tracker? Schedule a payment?

Expense tracking perfection

My wife and I were looking for an app that we can both use to keep track of our expenses as we are making them. We found that doing this helps us be much more mindful and intentional about spending money. We’d been trying half-heartedly to keep a budget for a while, and I think this is the tool that’s going to make it work for us. The app has simple and flexible budgeting tools. I tried just about every personal finance app out there (Simplifi, Wally, Buddy, YNAB, PocketGuard, TrueBill, etc etc…). I found that this app has the flexibility and features we need, without being too prescriptive or trying to automagically figure everything out for us. Caveat: we wanted to enter expenses manually as we are spending - because that step is what’s helpful for us to be mindful of money. We didn’t want the app to enter things automatically for us based on bank or card transactions (and then have to go back later to reconcile and fudge things). These are the features we appreciate: - Support for multiple currencies - Ability to share a budget and track expenses together - Flexible categorization - Easy data entry - Nice reports

Tried to register - kept timing out

Title says it all.


I needed to come up with a budget for myself and I have no idea how to do that. The app doesn’t do it for you.

Tracking Where Our Money Goes

We have big dreams and big goals to accomplish and we are realizing we need to trim some areas down. Best way is to track all of our spending entering all our receipts. So far I am loving this app.

Won’t connect to internet

Two different iPhones in my household as well as iPad and this app always says no connection to internet. One star until fixed.


Very easy works very well recommended

Simply the Best!

Great app for everyday use.

Ужасно! Я купила приложение и после обновления оно не загружается!


Excelente app

Excelente app


Things I love about this app: Ability to budget money and see the balance for each budget. Easily adding transactions from the widget. Options to customize categories Only complaint would be that there no ‘Income’ feature in the free version. Other than that, really nice and pretty interface. I’ve tried the other top budgeting apps but couldn’t find anything like this. Keep it up guys. :)

Doesn’t work with iOS11 on iPhone 7+

Great app, really enjoyed that. But yesterday I updated to iOS11 and now it doesn’t work! The app itself loads, but you can do nothing there, app doesn’t respond to taps... Please, fix that!

Great concept but could be better executed!

Or at least more functional for shared expenses. I'm bummed that my hubby and I can't both edit/change categories. There should be a setting where I can grant full access or limited. Right now, my "shared" wallet is limited by default. 😞

Awesome app for money visualization.

Perfect for keeping track of the money. Must use it.

Great App; Tricky Pricing

This app is great for tracking expenses. With the customizable categories and tags, it makes tracking expenses multiple ways super easy. It would be great if it allowed secondary categories, not just child categories, but the ability to categorize an expense in multiple categories. The tag feature creates a work around, but a secondary category would be even better! Also, the pricing is tricky. Although the app allows coordination across devices, you have to get the service on each person's device. So If a married couple wants to coordinate expenses, it costs $1.99 per month. If a family of four wants to coordinate, it costs $3.99 per month. This pricing scheme flies in the face of Apple's long term policy of allowing families to share apps as well as the custom amongst other developers to share services.

Facil de usar

Lo quenecesitaba para llevar de manera facil mis entradas y salidas de dinero

Gran app

De gran utilidad muy práctica sencillamente funcional



Cool app

Cool app

Exactly what I need

I love how there's no restrictions on categories & sub categories & the colors are so feminine.

Two Suggestions to Improve App

I needed a checkbook app. I almost bought this app but, didn't. I really wanted to like it because aesthetically it is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, well laid out and simple to figure out. But I have TWO suggestions: 1. The app needs to show decimals when showing dollar amounts, rounding to the nearest dollar isn't enough, I want to know EXACTLY how much my balance is ex. 250.57 NOT 251 or 250. The second thing I suggest, is that the account balance be more prominent, I want to see my balance in more than one screen! I'm using this as a checkbook, not just a budget. Otherwise this app would receive 5 stars from me! It would be perfect.


The app is simplistic, well organized, and gets the job of organizing my finances done exceedingly well. Not confusing and generally cheap for how important the organization of my finances are to Me. Very nice app, would definitely recommend to those who lose track of things and want to keep their heads straight with where their money is going.

Awesome 😀

It does the job I want.

My expirience

Use it for 3 month,really like. Very convenient and simple to use. Thank to it I see where i spend my money and where i can reduce the spending. Shows me exactly what i want and what i need to see. What is missing is income. Just the sum.It would be great to see how much you get and how much you spend. And see the difference which stays in your pocket!:)


I've been using it for a year and I'm happy about it. One extra feature I would like to have is adding money.

Great stuff

This is the best app for money management. I've tried every app that works outside US and this one is far ahead of the lot. I only wish the premium was a bit cheaper.


Great apps! Huge amount of various capabilities and settings. Allows to control your expenses in easy way. ICloud synchronization is available, too.

like so much this app!

utility. helpful. needful

Отличное приложение!

Давно искал простенькое, но тем не менее функциональное приложение для учета финансов. Немаловажным фактором была также цена приложения. Я нашел его. Мало того, что это, наверное, единственное бесплатное приложение для учета финансов, так оно еще и отлично сделано! Приятный дизайн, все просто, быстро, понятно и без всяких лишних, никому не нужных наворотов. Доходы мы свои и так все знаем, а вот вести учет расходов - это как раз то, что нужно. Спасибо разработчикам.

Очень удобно, но есть проблема со стабильностью

Удобно пользоваться, нет лишнего как в других более "продвинутых" приложениях, которые я бросал использовать именно по причине сложности эксплуатации. Поставил бы 5 звезд, если бы приложение не крашилось.

Как раз то, что я искала

Все необходимые инструменты в одном приложении

Это самое лучшее что я видела.

Очень удобно, быстро, доступно, понятно и легко. Сейчас можно открывать с помощью отпечатка. Вести расходы стало еще легче. Рекомендую всем.

Good job

Отличная проделанная работа! Все просто и понятно. Удачи! ;)

Эта пять!

Отличное приложение для учета расходов. Удобное, красивое, сделано с умом + оперативная тех. поддержка. Бесплатная версия достаточно функциональна, без рекламы. Рекомендую!

Очень приятное и функциональное приложение

Исправьте баг с напоминаниями. Хранит все предыдущие будильники и приписывает ним новый. iOS 7


Отлично. Удобно. Я бы добавила приход денег, весь income.

То, что нужно

Лаконично, няшно, удобно. Один момент в минус: не хватает возможности учета долгов


Для рабов пойдет, а для человека пытающегося улучшить свою жизнь ежедневно нет.


Удобно) ничего лишнего и достойный дизайн.


Красиво, просто и функционально очень отличное приложение.


Вполне удобное приложение, не хватает функции поступления денег. С бюджетом менее функционально.

Хорошая софтинка

Ещё бы отчеты допилили и было бы хорошо.

Удобное приложение

Удобно и просто


Низкий вам поклон. Спасибо ребята. Очень нужная вещь в современных условиях.


Хорошее приложение, очень простое и приятное в оформлении. Добавила бы синхронизацию с семейными устройствами и некое подведение итога месяца. Возможно, рекомендация среднего расхода в сутки... Ну это так)))

Палец вверх

Четкая прога


Положительный. Проге - быть! Спасибо разработчикам.

Супер приложение

Отличная программа !! Не сырая, но и не замысловатая.. Простая в управлении , достаточно функций, чтобы просто знать:"где деньги". Если хотите сложнее то "мой бюджет" - точно сильная программа .. Но это как раз самое оно- золотая середина !! Даже есть виджет на 8.1!!

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